

Andrew Speer joined the team in 2016 and is the Head of Business Development. Originally from North Carolina, Andrew has been living in the UK since the age of 6 and has a BA in Business Management from the University of Nottingham, the 2nd best business school in the UK.

Andrew has previously worked as a Consultant for Hay Group, including posts in the UK, Dubai and Romania. He has also worked as a Freelance Branding Consultant designing company logos, websites and brand messaging.

His role within Tudor Lodge Consultants includes developing partnerships, creating opportunities and also actively providing SEO for clients so he can stay on top of the game.

During University, he was part of the Nottingham University Newspaper and an active member of Nottingham Entrepreneurs. A first-time lacrosse player, he never played basketball for the University despite being begged by the University coach.

Currently, he is a regular 5-a-side player, beard grower and is working on his first book called the 6-day business.